New market horizons for continuous growth

Garavaglia has increasingly strengthened its image, guaranteeing an efficient and expert service.
To date, thanks to the sales network that we have built over the years, we are able to reach every part of the world promptly and promptly.

Our goal is constant growth by continuing to evolve with the surrounding market and with our customers.

A historical and highly specialized Italian company

The importance of foundries, some data.

The Italian foundry is sustainable, circular and competitive.

Cars, household appliances, electronic devices and many other commonly used objects could not exist without foundries.

Foundries are a Made in Italy excellence and there are more than 1,000 of them throughout the country, generating a market worth over €7 billion, in which more than 30,000 people work.

The foundries manufactured key components for:

  • Mechanics
  • Nautical
  • Means of transport
  • Automotive
  • Building
  • Electric energy
  • Aerospace industry
  • Design

Where you don’t expect it, the foundry is there… and it’s SUSTAINABLE!

In Italy, over 30% of investments are destined for the environment
Between 2003 and 2015 there was a:

  • – 65% emissions
  • – 27% of waste

REDUCE (75% of raw materials come from recycling)
REUSE (95% of production waste and water are reused in the production process)
RECYCLE (products made by foundries are 100% reusable)
